Law is a set of rules that governments and people must follow. It is important for a society to have laws, because it helps people to get along and make sure that everyone lives in peace and harmony.
Laws can also help keep people safe from crime. If a person breaks the law, they may be fined or sent to jail. If a group of people break the law, they can also be punished.
In some countries, the government makes laws that are then enforced by the courts. In Canada, our laws protect individual rights and ensure that all people have equal rights.
The Canadian legal system is based on a set of rules that govern how the government, police and other people must act. These laws are clear, publicised and stable. They are applied evenly and help to ensure a fair, effective and efficient government.
Some of the goals that laws achieve include:
Keeping the Peace
Laws help to keep the peace, because they prevent conflict between people and stop violence. They can also protect people against gangs and criminals, and they can help to resolve disputes peacefully, such as when two people claim the same piece of property.
Maintaining the Status Quo
Law can also help to maintain the status quo, because it can prevent conflicts between people and stop wars. It can also help to preserve individual rights and protect minorities against majorities, and it can promote social justice and provide for orderly social change.
Providing a System for Dispute Resolution
Laws can also be used to resolve disputes between people and businesses. For example, if two people want to sell the same car, they can go to court and ask the judge to decide who owns it.
Providing a Safe Society
Many societies have a system of laws that help to keep people safe from crime and protect them against robbery, assaults, and sexual abuse. This can include laws about drugs, alcohol, and weapons.
Keeping Rights Accurately Conceived
While some people believe that all human rights are natural, others disagree. This is because rights can be difficult to define and understand. For example, some people believe that the right to life is not a natural right, while others think that a woman should be allowed to choose whether to have children.
The right to life is not a natural right, and it is not a universal right. This is because it is a particular way of looking at life.
Preempting and Limiting Problems
Some people believe that some rights are so strong that they can trump any other reason, including the right to live free from oppression or suffering. However, this is not true for all of the most common rights.