Automobiles are motor vehicles that are powered by fuel and used to carry passengers and cargo. They are among the most common of modern technologies and are produced by one of the world’s largest industries. The word comes from the French “auto” (self) and Latin “mobilis” (moving).
Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot built a steam powered automobile in 1769, but the first modern gasoline-powered car was not built until 1908. Ransom Olds began to mass produce affordable cars using an assembly line at his Oldsmobile factory in 1902. This allowed drivers to move up from lower priced makes such as Chevrolet and Buick, by purchasing newer models that had been updated with better parts and features. This innovation greatly increased the number of cars available and made it possible for families to own and operate their own automobiles, rather than relying on public transportation or taxi services.
Since then, the automotive industry has continued to grow and develop, making it one of the world’s most important manufacturing sectors. Automobiles are manufactured in a wide variety of shapes and sizes to meet the needs of many different types of people. Some of the most popular automobiles include minivans, SUVs, station wagons, and sedans. Other common types of automobiles are hatchbacks and pickup trucks. There are also special automobiles for different uses such as fire engines, ambulances and patrol cars.
As the use of automobiles grew, so did the need for roads and traffic lights to accommodate them. This created a need for a new infrastructure of public works that was largely funded by federal, state and local governments. Many of these projects were carried out by the Works Progress Administration during the 1930s and 1940s.
By the end of the 20th century, it had become almost inconceivable or at least highly inconvenient to live without access to a car. The modern automobile is a symbol of our culture’s long-standing predilection toward individual freedom of movement, action and living. It has given rise to suburbs where households are located away from cities in homes surrounded by gardens, swimming pools and green lawns.
While most of us think of our automobiles as vehicles for transportation, they also serve other purposes such as recreation and utility. The automobile has also come to represent our sense of community. For these reasons, it is a common sight to see an automobile at an event such as a football game or concert where thousands of fans are gathered together. In the future we will see a greater emphasis on hybrid, electrical and autonomous automobiles as society shifts to these alternative forms of mobility. See also: Truck; Lorry; Bus; Motorcycle; Airplane; Bicycle.